Saturday, September 13, 2008

Earth Baby Boutique

This past week, I received a package in the mail from Earth Baby Boutique of Etsy. Recently, I had just run out of dryer sheets and had seen her listing for a dryer sachet. I am all for trying to make changes in my life to better the environment. So, I thought a reusable dry sachet would be good to try out. While I was browsing her shop, I came across her laundry detergent too. Only one tablespoon of her detergent was needed for a whole load of clothes. I was a bit skeptical, but thought that I would give it a try.

Well, it is Saturday - laundry day. I started the washer, and added only one tablespoon of detergent as directed. When the cycle was finished, I was pleasantly surprised! My clothes were clean and smelled great, and I had used only a tablespoon of soap - compared to the huge scoop that comes in the box if tide. Next, I loaded my clothes into the dryer and added the clean linen scented sachet. Not only did my clothes have a fresh scent, but they were extra soft too! I highly recommend everyone reading this post to visit Earth Baby Boutique. Her products are wonderful and make it easy to go green.

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