1. What is your business name?
Pumpkin Pea http://PumpkinPea.etsy.com
2. What is your business about?
In my shop you will find hairbows, headbands and hairclips made especially for a princess. I named my shop Pumpkin Pea - this is what we call our daughter Natalie (she is turning 5 this November), who is actually my inspiration behind all of my creations
3. How did you start selling on etsy?
I learned about etsy from my former boss Jill who after her retirement as Assistant Director of Nursing started concentrating on her crafts and started selling on etsy. During that time I had been creating hairclips for my daughter. She actually persuaded me to check out etsy. I trialed selling my hairclips at work and it was received very well so I decided this is something I would like to pursue
4. Where do your inspirations come from?
My inspiration mostly comes from my daughter Natalie. Being an only girl, (I have 2 other boys Nicky 9 and Nathan 7). I love buying clothes for her and I would usually create something to match an outfit that I had bought. I also get my inspirations and ideas from stores (I love Gymboree in particular), magazines and the constant flow of ideas through my head.
5. Is your family supportive of your etsy business?
In the beginning my husband wasn't very supportive of it. When I first started I spent hours and hours online, researching and educating myself on all the business aspects and how to basically run it. He advised me to make sure that my pricing is reflective of the hours I spent making the item. I make things because I love to and I love to share them with others. After a long day at work (I am a full time nurse at a hospital), I always look forward to creating, which I do mostly at night. I consider it my de-stresser. I get excited when I get a sale. My husband now shares that excitement with me (my kids get excited too). I would like to also make mention that my mother is my biggest supporter. She lives with us and she helps me with households work and most of all taking care of my children when me and my husband are away at work
6. What was the strangest experience you've ever had when being inspired with a new design?
When an idea pops in my head, I have to immediately create it and spend all night long perfecting the idea. (I don't really think that I have any strange experiences)
7. What is the most rewarding aspect of the etsy community for you and your business?
The etsy community taught me a lot of things. I learned so much from the forums and made friends along the way. Particularly, FAM helped me along the way. It is such a nice feeling to know that I am part of a smaller family on ETSY. Thanks to everyone especially for this opportunity to be featured,
8. Anything else you would like to share?
I will be having my first craft show this October. I've been busy preparing for it. My business is also successful at work, I have a lot of customers from there (the word is now starting to spread about my business) I wish they could be reflected on my sales but unfortunately, they don't order online.
Great feature on a great artist!
Fabulous! I love your shop!!
Very cute and colorful hair clips!!
Lovely feature!
adorable hairclips!!!
Very cute shop, and a great feature!
Thank you so much for feturing me and for the wonderful comments you left me . Thanks everyone!!!
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